Explore the stories of how alumni and friends help fuel the progress of scientists, humanists, artists, entrepreneurs and technologists at the College of Arts and Sciences every day.
Supporting the New Undergraduate General Education Curriculum
Thanks to a recent gift from donors Justin ’94 and Emily Haynie ’96, whose son is a current Tar Heel, the College is able to implement this more structured first-year experience.
The Cross-Pollination of Science at Carolina
Margaret and Tillman Cooley, B.S. ’65 (Ph.D. ’70) support the department of earth, marine, and environmental sciences at Carolina. “Synergy is so important, and it works – I know,” said Tillman Cooley. “I’m so excited to see how our UNC scientists cross-pollinate and flourish.”
Surveyor and Storyteller
Anna Atencio was a member of the first Chancellor’s Science Scholars cohort. Now she helps tell the unseen story below the seafloor as a geophysicist on the coast of North Carolina.
A Plan and a Partnership
John and Marree Townsend’s commitments to UNC-Chapel Hill over the years have been both plentiful and purposeful — and none more so than their gift to the College of Arts and Sciences to establish the Townsend Family Strategic Initiatives Fund.
Pillar of Chapel Hill Community Leaves Gift to College’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Efforts
Robert E. Seymour Jr. was a champion of social justice who led a congregation that challenged racial segregation and advocated on behalf of the aged and poor. Seymour died in 2020 at age 95, leaving a gift in his estate to the College of Arts and Sciences.
$25 Million Gift to be Transformative for Graduate Students
A $25 million bequest to the College of Arts and Sciences from an anonymous donor ensures a bright future for graduate students. This transformative commitment, when realized, will support more than 200 graduate students annually.
Stepping Outside Her Comfort Zone
Jeliyah “Liyah” Clark is among the first students from the Chancellor’s Science Scholars Program to graduate with a doctoral degree. She will become a double Tar Heel at Winter Commencement on Sunday.
Statewide Civic Engagement Project Inaugurated Through Alumni Gift
Carolina Public Humanities announced the creation of the Zietlow Civic Engagement Project in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Carolina Students Will Help to Share Veterans’ Stories in ‘After the War’
The Mellon Foundation-funded digital archive of veteran experiences will debut in June 2023 and is presented in part by UNC’s Southern Oral History Program.
Pillar of Chapel Hill Community Leaves Gift to College’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Efforts
The Seymour family has established the Dr. Robert E. Seymour Jr. Dean’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Fund in the College of Arts and Sciences.
Helping Faculty Break Down Silos, Be Part of ‘Something Bigger’
“When you learn about what the institute does, I think its mission is so encouraging,” said Caroline Williamson ’83.
Doubling Down
The Batchelders’ two sons graduated from Carolina. So they doubled down and created an Honors Carolina Scholarship to benefit two Carolina students who share an interest in business, history or drama.
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