Excellence Funds

Supporting Outstanding Faculty
Forty-six percent of College faculty receive some form of philanthropic support. Cemil Aydin, professor of history and religious studies, is one such faculty member. Aydin was the recipient of the

Growing Faculty Excellence
“The Huntington Hobbs Jr. Endowment Fund for Faculty Excellence provided me with the resources to pursue my research goal,” said Addo, who was able to purchase books, attend conferences to

Geological Sciences Faculty Benefit from Former Graduate Student’s Gifts
Elijah White, M.S. ’84, gives annually to both the Dr. John M. Dennison Faculty Excellence Fund in Geological Sciences and the Arts and Sciences Fund.

Supporting Innovative Research Through Seed Funding
Ann Cowan ’75 and the Cowan Family Foundation established the Ann Rankin Cowan Excellence Fund for High-Impact Research to provide seed funding for faculty in the early stages of innovative

Bringing Sociology to the Business World — and Beyond
Lindsay Guzowski (M.A. sociology ’04) credits her time and experiences at UNC-Chapel Hill with setting her on the path to where she is today.