
UNC-Chapel Hill Receives $10 Million Commitment from Pope Foundation to Advance Core Areas of Excellence and Service
On April 23, 2018, UNC-Chapel Hill announced a $10 million commitment from the John William Pope Foundation to support a combination of core areas where Carolina excels: cancer research, multidisciplinary

Writing and Learning Center Gift Helps Ensure Students’ Success
What do biology and classics have in common? In terms of subject matter, nothing really. Except that you can major in both at a liberal arts university. And use such

Caldwell Family Gift Will Encourage Collaboration Between American Studies, Ackland Art Museum
When the Caldwell family decided they wanted to give back to UNC-Chapel Hill — a place that left a lasting impression on each of them — it made sense that their gift would revolve around

A Plan and a Partnership: $10 Million Gift Supports Strategic Initiatives
John and Marree Townsend’s commitments to UNC over the years have been both plentiful and purposeful — and none more so than their most recent gift to establish the Townsend

Fifty-Seven Graduate Students Receive Fellowships to Advance Their Scholarship and Teaching
Fifty-seven graduate students in the College of Arts and Sciences received fellowships funded by private support to advance their scholarship and teaching. Increasing support for graduate students has been a

Micheal Clark M.S. ’99 Remains Committed to Supporting Research and Education in Exercise and Sport Science at Carolina
In his first year at Carroll College in Waukesha, Wisconsin, Micheal Clark M.S. ’99, a member of the football team and a pre-med major, knew he wanted to be an