Graduate Support

When graduate students make all the difference
Larry Stacey (B.S. ’62, Ph.D. ’68) created the Vic and Betsy Briscoe Fund for Graduate Studies in the department of physics and astronomy to honor his former professor.

Jim Lampley Trades Sports Desk For Classroom
As a network sportscaster, Jim Lampley ’71 covered 14 Olympics. Now he teaches students at Carolina the history of broadcast storytelling and how technology shaped it.

A Doctor’s Love of Ancient Medicine Leads to Gift for Classics Department
Maury Hanson spent his career as a surgeon in New York City and the Washington, D.C., area. After retiring, Hanson decided to become a Tar Heel and study ancient medicine.

A Blessed Life
Cliff Huang weaves a tale that is truly rags to (academic) riches. It’s a success story that he is quick to attribute to family, friends and mentors – and one

Supporting Graduate Students in the Humanities, Fine Arts and Social Sciences
Giovanny Rincon received funding from the Stephens Family Fund for Graduate Student Excellence to purchase a new laptop, statistics software and books to work on his Ph.D. in public policy

Endowed Deanship Drives College Forward
A gift from Vicki ’92 and David Craver ’92 will provide a lasting endowment that will give deans of the College unrestricted support as they advance scholarship, discovery and strategic

Investing in Faculty, Students and Programs Through Leadership and Philanthropy
“We are committed to the idea of exposing students to the work of free-market thinkers; and the PPE Program, by its very nature, does this well, while also exposing students

Modern Jewish History Through Student Travel
In 2021, Oskar Czendze, a Ph.D. candidate in history, received an award from the Frances Carol Eizenstat Travel Fund to conduct research in Poland and Ukraine.

Bringing Sociology to the Business World — and Beyond
Lindsay Guzowski (M.A. ’04) learned early on in her graduate program at UNC that she enjoyed applying thought processes and research methods from sociology to real-world economic problems and businesses.

The Cross-Pollination of Science at Carolina
Margaret and Tillman Cooley, B.S. ’65 (Ph.D. ’70) support the department of earth, marine, and environmental sciences at Carolina. “Synergy is so important, and it works – I know,” said