
Lois Lovelace Duke establishes professorship to pay it forward for future scholars
Through establishing the Lois Lovelace Duke Distinguished Professorship at UNC, Lois Lovelace Duke drew on her own experience in academia.

Life-changing lessons from a beloved professor
Inspired by memories in and beyond the classroom, a group of alumni work to honor the late professor Kimball King.

Gift establishes first endowed term professorship for the new School of Civic Life and Leadership
The Orville Gordon Browne (OGB) Foundation has made a $1 million gift to the UNC-Chapel Hill College of Arts and Sciences to establish an endowed term professorship in Carolina’s School

Leader in National Intelligence Joins Faculty as Inaugural Knott Distinguished Visiting Professor
In 2019, Admiral Dennis Blair, former U.S. Director of National Intelligence and leader of 16 national intelligence agencies — joined Carolina’s Peace, War and Defense curriculum faculty.

Investing in Faculty, Students and Programs Through Leadership and Philanthropy
“We are committed to the idea of exposing students to the work of free-market thinkers; and the PPE Program, by its very nature, does this well, while also exposing students