Signature Initiatives

Southern Voices, Future Leaders
“Undergraduate students are walking onto our campus with a voice, with ideas, with a set of commitments to their communities,” said Elizabeth Engelhardt. “During the time that they’re here, our

Institute for Convergent Science. Ready. Set. Go.
The Edwards Family Fund for Excellence in Convergent Science was created by Rob ’89 and his wife, Leigh Edwards ’90, to help provide valuable startup resources for the Institute for

A Healthy Culture of Discourse
The UNC Program for Public Discourse supports a culture of debate and deliberation through curricular and extracurricular programs, enabling Carolina students to be better citizens, leaders and stewards of our

Building a Bridge to Success at Carolina
Summer Bridge is a six-week transition program that is designed to ease participants’ personal and academic transition from high school to Carolina. The program is open to all admitted incoming

Preparing the Future Scientists of Tomorrow
“A lot of students of color and minorities in STEM can slip through the cracks,” Paloma Ruiz ’22 said. “More than anything, I think the Chancellor’s Science Scholars shows students

A Plan and a Partnership
John and Marree Townsend’s commitments to UNC-Chapel Hill over the years have been both plentiful and purposeful — and none more so than their gift to the College of Arts

Pillar of Chapel Hill Community Leaves Gift to College’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Efforts
Robert E. Seymour Jr. was a champion of social justice who led a congregation that challenged racial segregation and advocated on behalf of the aged and poor. Seymour died in