The College of Arts and Sciences prepares students to lead meaningful lives through the empowering effects of education and self-knowledge. We instill a broad and deep liberal arts education to provide perspective, context and understanding. We recognize that today’s students will likely have multiple careers — and our job is to provide the foundation that enables them to adapt, to excel, to explore the unexpected path.
Every gift to the College of Arts and Sciences makes a difference. There are a number of giving opportunities and priorities that allow you to tailor your gift to the areas you wish to support.

Anne Collins
Executive Director
The Arts and Sciences Foundation
[email protected]
Support Areas
Arts and Sciences Fund
Gifts to the Arts and Sciences Fund play a crucial role in funding our highest priorities — recruiting and retaining faculty, enhancing student engagement, deepening academic excellence and achieving global impact. This support helps shape the experience of every student in the College. Learn more.
College Support
Department Chairs and Program Directors. Endowed department chair and program director funds provide academic leaders critically needed monies to support the work of their departments and programs in the teaching and learning of students.
Faculty Support
Professorships. Professorships enable Carolina to recruit, retain and support outstanding faculty. These endowed funds supplement faculty salaries as well as provide support for course development, research, graduate assistants and equipment.
- Eminent Professorships create and support new faculty positions for teacher-scholars who are highly acclaimed in their fields.
- Professorships recruit rising stars or retain outstanding faculty members whose growing prominence is attracting the notice of other institutions.
Postdoctoral Fellowships. Postdoctoral fellowships enable science departments to recruit research associates who are at the most productive stage in their careers to research projects led by senior faculty. They thereby assist these departments in recruiting and retaining superlative teacher-scholars.
Visiting Professorships. Distinguished visiting scholars, writers and artists contribute to the Carolina intellectual environment by bringing new perspectives and experiences to complement the expertise of the College’s permanent faculty.
Institute for the Arts and Humanities Fellowships. Fellowships allow faculty from various disciplines to devote a semester away from the classroom to learn from each other in special seminars and to return to teaching with new perspectives and a renewed commitment to teaching. To learn more, please visit the IAH website.
Dean’s Academic Leadership Funds. Academic Leadership Funds enable the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences to support department chairs and program directors as they work to recruit and retain outstanding faculty.
Faculty Excellence Funds. These highly sought gifts demonstrate Carolina’s commitment to maintaining a world-class faculty by providing crucial non-salary support to faculty for a variety of teaching and scholarly needs, including research assistants, travel and the acquisition of special archival and database materials.
Departmental Excellence Funds. Departmental funds provide needed resources to chairs, enabling them to recognize the work of faculty and provide exceptional learning opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students.
Chancellor’s Science Scholars
The Chancellor’s Science Scholars Program encourages talented students to explore their STEM interests at a world-class research university, while engaging them in a small community filled with collaboration and inspiration. Along the way, they strengthen the critical skills needed to become the next generation of leaders in science and technology fields and build a lasting network of support.
Executive Director. Endowing and naming the executive director position provides critically needed monies to support the work of the Chancellor’s Sciences Scholars Program in recruiting, teaching and mentoring students.
Chancellor’s Science Scholarships. Merit-based scholarships support students throughout their four years at Carolina.
Chancellor’s Science Scholars Excellence Fund. An excellence fund enables the director to support the most pressing and strategic needs, including research, experiential learning and other co-curricular opportunities.
Summer Internships and Mentored Research Fellowships. Providing Scholars with stipends enables them to participate in hands-on experiences that prepare them for further learning and careers after Carolina.
Convergent Science
Solving the world’s most challenging problems.
Director. Endowing and naming the Institute director will provide critical monies to recruit and retain globally recognized research scientists and enable them to participate in international scientific symposia.
Project Catalyst Fund. A project catalyst fund will deliver essential support to fund qualifying research projects, allowing researchers to develop projects up to the commercial demonstration phase within the Institute’s Innovation Framework.
Associate Director. In addition to funding the salary of the associate director, endowing the position will provide leadership funds to establish and grow the programs and community of teacher-scientists.
Professorships. Professorships enable the departments of biomedical engineering, applied physical sciences and others to recruit, retain and support outstanding faculty by supplementing salaries as well as funding their interdisciplinary research.
Emerging Scholars. Fellowships for a new generation of extraordinary graduate students, interns and postdoctoral fellows will enable them to conduct career-defining research and work closely with research teams to ensure they reach goals and stay on track.
Innovation Fund. Innovation funds provide monies necessary to pilot select projects that will lay the operational foundation for the Innovation Framework.
Kevin M. Guskiewicz Distinguished Professorship in Exercise and Sport Science
In honor of Chancellor Emeritus Kevin Guskiewicz, we are seeking to fully endow the Guskiewicz Distinguished Professorship in Exercise and Sport Science, Guskiewicz’ s home department. If you would like to honor Guskiewicz, who is also former dean of the College, and his work, support for this effort would be a fitting tribute. Give now.
O.B. Hardison Scholarship for the Humanities
The O.B. Hardison Scholarship celebrates and emphasizes the value of the humanities and serves as the first step toward the ambitious goal to raise $100 million to elevate and secure the future of the humanities at UNC-Chapel Hill. This includes support for distinguished professorships, graduate student fellowships and curriculum development grants, as well as additional funding for the Hardison Scholarship. To make a gift to the O.B. Hardison Scholarship for the Humanities please visit
School of Civic Life and Leadership
The School of Civic Life and Leadership (SCiLL) provides an interdisciplinary home specifically for the study and practice of public discourse, civic life, and civic leadership. SCiLL provides students a grounding in the foundations and current state of American political experience and democracy. A wide range of courses build on this foundation to encourage thoughtful engagement with democracy and civility through a variety of disciplines.
Fund for Civic Life and Leadership. Provide flexible resources to meet critical needs and seize emerging opportunities that will ensure the long-term success of the School and equip students and faculty with the rhetorical and deliberative capacities to serve Carolina and beyond as citizens, leaders and stewards of democracy.
SCiLL builds on the acclaimed Program for Public Discourse’s model for showcasing and encouraging public discourse. The Program for Public Discourse is now part of the School of Civic Life and Leadership. The Program for Public Discourse develops students’ capacity for civil argument, balanced discussion and contentious conversation by building a culture of informed discussion and rational deliberation around philosophical and political topics of controversy and consequence.
The Program for Public Discourse develops students’ capacity for civil argument, balanced discussion and contentious conversation by building a culture of informed discussion and rational deliberation around philosophical and political topics of controversy and consequence.
Academic Director. Naming and endowing this position will ensure the College is able to recruit and retain a renowned recognized teacher-scholar and public intellectual who will lead this exciting and innovative program.
Distinguished Lectureship. An endowed distinguished lecture fund will enable the Program to demonstrate civil discourse in action by bringing to campus pairs of public intellectuals who will model intellectual friendship even as they respectfully disagree about the topic they are addressing.
Executive Director. The executive director will be appointed as a term teaching assistant professor with a joint appointment in one of the departments of the College and will manage the day-to-day operations of the Program as well planning and oversight. Endowing the position will also provide leadership funds.
Fellows Program. This valuable and unique experiential learning opportunity will allow a cohort of up to eight undergraduate fellows to work closely with the Program leadership on programming logistics.
Internship Fund. An internship fund will support one recent graduate in working closely with the executive director.
Course Development Awards. These awards will enable faculty to work on developing courses that are based on academic success pedagogies in a sustained manner over the summer or during the academic year.
Southern Futures
Building a future where all southern communities can flourish.
Southern Futures Undergraduate Scholarships. Attracting the best and brightest with a desire to study the American South is a critical pillar to the success of this initiative. These scholarships will provide students with financial support, faculty mentoring, social programming, and opportunities to partner with southern communities.
University Libraries Fellowships and Research and Teaching Awards. The community archives and digital learning spaces UNC Libraries offers are essential to the teaching, learning, and research needs of the University’s students, faculty, and larger networks engaged in the study of the South. Fellowships will provide financial support and an intellectual community for undergraduates, emerging scholars, and faculty.
Post-graduate Community Awards. These awards will provide financial support and enable promising young scholars and future southern leaders to complete a scholarly project and produce new knowledge about the American South.
Multidisciplinary Collaboration Awards. These campus-wide awards will help build intellectual bonds and deepen the understanding of key issues emerging in the South by bringing together and providing resources for UNC-Chapel Hill faculty and students across campus as they take a collaborative and creative approach to reimagining the American South through performance, visual art, oral history, literature, and other creative practices.
University Libraries Artist Engagement Awards. Growing out of UNC Libraries new Incubator Awards program, which provides research grants for UNC students to use historical and rare library items as source material and/or inspiration toward projects in the arts, University Libraries seeks to expand such artist engagement to include an annual artist-in-residence program that will activate the special collections in the creation of artistic outputs in the visual and performing arts.
University Libraries Curatorial Endowments. A curatorial endowment will produce recurring funding that will enable curators to meet pressing priorities or seize emerging opportunities in its continued work to develop and provide access to deep and rich research collections that document the history and culture of the American South.
Center for the Study of the American South Directorship. Endowing and naming the director position for the Center for the Study of the American South recognizes the Center’s contribution to our understanding of the South and the entirety of Southern Futures, and will facilitate the creative and intellectual work of the Center’s leadership.
Transforming Health and Resilience in Veterans (THRIVE) Program
Support the THRIVE Program’s work to support veterans and first responders suffering from TBIs. Give now.
Winston National Center on Technology Use, Brain and Psychological Development
The Winston National Center is a national leader in conducting scientific research on the long-term effects of technology and social media use on the adolescent brain and how it impacts relationships, behavior, and well-being.
Supporting the center allows UNC researchers to advance groundbreaking research that will enable parents, caregivers, and teens to make more informed choices about how they interact with technology and social media. Give now.
Center for Student Success
The Center for Student Success enables students to develop the skills and strategies needed to prosper academically, socially and professionally while at Carolina and after graduation. Through integrated and comprehensive approaches, the Center fosters equal access to success across student populations through several programs:
The Learning Center offers academic coaching, peer tutoring, ADHD/LD support, STEM support and more through face-to-face and online coaching as well as a collection of online resources, study groups and workshops for students and educators.
The Writing Center offers writing assistance on any project at any point in the writing process as well as popular tips and tools on its website. One-on-one appointments and group workshops are available.
The Carolina Firsts Program helps first-generation college students — who represent 20% of all undergraduate students — navigate the college experience, celebrate successes and make meaningful connections along the way.
Summer Bridge offers incoming students, many from small or rural high schools, a six-week residential academic program. Summer Bridge enables students to begin their first semester with college credit and a sense of the cultural, professional and recreational activities at Carolina.
Peer Mentoring assists in the academic, social and personal development of students, fostering holistic student growth and achievement.
Transfer Student Services support our transfer student population through academic coaching and peer support programs tailored to the transfer student experience.
Undergraduate Student Support
Chancellor’s Science Scholars. The Chancellor’s Science Scholars Program (CSS) brings the best and brightest students to campus to pursue the fields of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Many of these students are Carolina Firsts (UNC’s first-generation college students). Chancellor’s Science Scholars join a small cohort and participate in the CSS Mentoring Program, allowing them to conduct cutting-edge research with renowned teacher-scholars. After four years in the Program, they leave Carolina with the resources, skills and professional network to move into Ph.D. and M.D./Ph.D. programs and become part of the next generation of leaders in science and technology.
Merit-based scholarships. Merit-based scholarships are a high priority for the University and the College. They allow Carolina to recruit and support the top students from North Carolina and the nation — students who stimulate the intellectual climate and play a critical role in Carolina’s quest to become the nation’s leading public university.
- The Carolina Scholars Program is a comprehensive academic scholarship program designed to attract the most qualified students from across the state and around the nation. The program provides students with substantial scholarship support, faculty mentoring and social programming opportunities, including automatic participation in Honors Carolina.
Need-based scholarships. Need-based scholarships ensure that no academically qualified student is denied the opportunity to study at Carolina because of inadequate financial resources. These scholarships also provide the campus with a more diverse student body.
Study Abroad scholarships. One of the College’s highest priorities is to encourage more students to spend a semester or year studying abroad. Higher expenses related to transportation, food and tuition often exclude students who depend on financial aid, which is limited for study abroad.
- Carolina Covenant Study Abroad scholarships provide financial assistance to study abroad for academically capable students whose financial need qualifies them for the Carolina Covenant Scholarship Program.
- Study Abroad scholarships provide students with life-changing international study and learning opportunities that can last from a few weeks in the summer through an entire academic year.
Summer Bridge and Carolina Firsts. The College’s Center for Student Success seeks to ensure the success of all UNC undergraduates through programs that support and mentor them.
Graduate Student Support
Graduate Student Excellence Funds. Graduate Student Excellence Funds enable the College to compete successfully for the best and brightest graduate students by leveraging state-funded stipends to raise the total fellowship award available to top students. Graduate students are vital to the recruitment and retention of top faculty and to the University’s reputation as one of the nation’s premier research and teaching institutions.
Summer Enhancement Fellowships. These provide stipend and summer support or travel and research monies to graduate students. Dissertation fellowships provide valuable support to graduate students as they research and write their dissertations.
Enhancing the Undergraduate Experience
Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowships. Undergraduate research fellowships enhance students’ classroom experiences by enabling them to work closely with faculty in a focused area. In-depth research also provides important preparation for many careers, as well as for graduate school.
Honors Carolina. Ranked among the top programs in the country, Honors Carolina makes a promise to students, “Come Here. Go Anywhere.” Funding needs include:
- Honors Carolina Scholarships. Endowing a scholarship is a direct investment in academic excellence. The scholarships connect remarkable students with distinguished faculty and committed alumni who serve as mentors.
- Honors Carolina Go Anywhere Initiative. The goal is to develop a new model that connects academic advising and career services to prepare students for lives of purpose and consequence. This includes programming, alumni networking and mentoring events, and professional development workshops.
- Honors Internship Stipends. Enable deserving students to gain invaluable work experience that will prepare them for successful employment or post-graduate study.
- Honors Study Abroad Scholarships. Ensure that Honors Study Abroad is available to all students, regardless of financial need. Recent programs have been in London, Rome, Cape Town, Chile, Ghana and Thailand.
- Honors Summer Research Fellowships. Provide students with the opportunity to work with a faculty mentor during the summer.
Academic Program Support
Dean’s Innovation Funds. Dean’s innovation funds provide critically needed support for new, emerging disciplines that apply theoretical knowledge to solve real-world problems, such as the College’s new departments of biomedical engineering and applied physical sciences, its highly recognized minor in entrepreneurship, and BeAM, its cutting-edge makers’ space for faculty and students.
Learning Innovation Funds. Learning innovation funds support new learning and teaching initiatives that cut across disciplines and potentially affect how learning occurs across the College. Among other things, these funds support new student-centered, academic success pedagogies, course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) and general education curriculum revisions and updates, such as the new ideas, information and inquiry (Triple I) courses.
Departmental Lectureships. Lectureships enable academic departments and curricula to bring nationally and internationally acclaimed scholars to campus to address issues at the forefront of intellectual discussion and debate.